Jones 4 Clerk of Court

Elizabeth Jones has a large variety of experiences that has spanned over 43 years.  For two summers while attending college, she worked for the Wyandot County Highway Department, embracing the rural life afforded her. Elizabeth attained her Associate Degree in Business from Tiffin University. Elizabeth worked in business in accounting and bookkeeping positions for over ten years. Later, Elizabeth graduated from Otterbein College with her BA in Education. She was a fulltime educator for 17 years before taking up the role as “grandma”, a role she happily accepted.


Since the time in which Elizabeth Jones left teaching fulltime, she has filled her time with many community activities. She was part of the inaugural class of Loveland U in 2019. She became a member of the Tree and Environment Committee in Loveland, and continues to be an active educator in Loveland Learning Garden.

 If voted in, Elizabeth Jones would like to bring common, everyday experience to the job of Clerk of Courts. She has worked in accounting, using financial checks and balances to prevent unethical and harmful actions. While her opponent has a political career, Elizabeth understands how to build up life-long learners and promote others in becoming who they are called to be.